Had a look at the colonies today, the first colony had no varroa drop so did not put cond sachet on. Gave them a couple of frames of stores. Added a apigaurd sachet to the other four colonies, The monitoring floor on the fifth colony had a lot of varroa on. Colonies 3 & 5 were the largest colonies over summer, 5 is on 2 brood boxes and has enough stores, numer 3 is light, both were lively.
I could not see any brood in the nuc but saw the queen (looking good), there was virtually no brood in any of the colonies, presume it's the time of year but it seems earky. It means the bees alive now will bring it on in spring.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Varroa treatment
All main hive now treated. Small nuc on 3 frames not treated, will try to get it through winter. Will look at colont stores after apigaurd treatment but expect they have plenty.
Friday, 26 August 2011
I took all supers off earlier this week and had 4 supers with sealed honey, extracted yesterday and it loks around 70 pound. Would have been a lot more if I had not have had 2 colonies on 2 brood boxes. The supers with sealed stores were stacked outside but bees kept finding holes and started to rob. So yesterday I placed on top of crown boards onto the colonies for cleaning. I have one more colony to consolidate onto a single brood box, that will leave me with 20 brood frames of stores which will go into the colonies as there is room.
When the supers are clean I need to remove and start varroa treatment.
When the supers are clean I need to remove and start varroa treatment.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Heavy Mistake
I changed the queens by adding a second brood box above paper. I consolidated one colony into one box after a few days. The other was left on two brood, it's now full of brood and stores, and too heavy to lift off. The fifth colony was very strong so I put another brood onto that. A brood box full of stores is too heavy to move.
I MUST NOT DO IT AGAIN. Going to leave for 5 wekks now, when we come back they should be ready to take honey off.
I MUST NOT DO IT AGAIN. Going to leave for 5 wekks now, when we come back they should be ready to take honey off.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Good weather
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Re united
I let John have my original queen from the colony I purchased at Lincoln yesterday. I then placed the frames from the strongest nuc into a brood box on it's same location. At 7pm all the bees had found their way into their new box so I sealed the entrance took down to colony 4, put some pin holed newspaper between and left them to unite. This morning the bees in the colony were not running all around the enteance so I presume they have found their new queen. There was also a couple of dozen bees flying around their old location, not sure how you can stop that?
I'll check the colony soon and try to put back into one brood box, then I'll get myself organised to do the same with my next oldest queen (green).
I'll check the colony soon and try to put back into one brood box, then I'll get myself organised to do the same with my next oldest queen (green).
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Failed Nuc
Saturday, 11 June 2011
June 2011
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Cool and wet
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Me and John took 5 splits from hive 3 tonight, QC should hatch tomorrow, need to leave for a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Queen rearing
I made the strongest colony (number 3) queenless, the bees were running all around the entrance until they were queen right. I then cut the (3 day old eggs/larva) comb and pinned to the bars as shown, placed into hive. Photos are of + 1 day and + 2 day. Made queen right after 1 day. Many QC are drawn touching each other so I destroyed the larva in the adjoining cells, should have around 8 QC for my disposal.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Start Queens
Saturday, 23 April 2011
More Space
Saturday, 26 March 2011
After 2 days I could only find one Varroa from colony 2. It's a good sign or could mean all varroa are in the brood cells breeding!
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Still warm
Removed old Apiguard trays, fondant and checked for evidence of queen, put some syrup on each hive.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Warm wheather

13 degrees, sunny, bees flying. All colonies bringing in pollen, need to do the experiment mentioned in the previous post a little earlier next year. Removed the empty super from under the colonies, cleaned floors (about a cup of dead bees from all), placed monitoring boards in. All colonies seem faily heavy.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
At the apiary all colonies were bringing in pollen at the weekend, mine were not. I've put monitoring boards into 2 of the 4 to see if colony warmth or local flowers determine weather bees fetch pollen.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Checking stores
I weighed colonies today, but forgot and took roofs off. From left to right 21,19, 21,20. Which means with roofs they would weigh more, plenty of stores.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Fondant Goes On
Yes I made up some bags with around 500 grammes of fondant, cut a small hole in, and placed ontop of the crown board, The small colony was dead, second year on the row I've lost the small one, must do something different!
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Not Freezing
Quite nice this afternoon reaching the dizzy heights of 3.2 dregrees.
I took monitoring boards out of the 4 large colonies but will put back if the daytime temperatures sink well below zero. One bee was seen exiting a colony and flew off. Small colony felt light when efted, but it is small!
I took monitoring boards out of the 4 large colonies but will put back if the daytime temperatures sink well below zero. One bee was seen exiting a colony and flew off. Small colony felt light when efted, but it is small!
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