Sunday 5 April 2009

Lincoln Auction

At the auction there 72 colonies lined up in the field, all in Nationals except two.
Tere was also a lot of old kit for sale.
At 1pm the actioneer moved outside and onto the hives.
The people selling the hives gave a short description of their bees and treatments and then the bidding started.
They started selling for £180, £200, etc.
Half way through selling the hives the price started to drop.
I actuallty put my hand up a couple of times but let others win with bids around £130.
Then hive 59 ended up being mine for £110 (+5% auction fees)
I had a brief conversation with seller ( who was disapointed with the price) paid up, then got a steward to help me tie them up, lift into the boot, and then we were on our way home.

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